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Friday, May 05, 2006


K-Files: Arrowhead

Arrowhead highlights from the Coach

Claire dominated the 2-mile last night under the lights. She went out hard in her first half mile and never looked back. She finished at 10:47.87. She was very focused and enjoyed the weather. It was a little on the cool side but there was no wind, so it made great weather for a distance runner.


High Jumper Alyssa George tied for second place with ajump of 4'10". She is looking better each week in the high jump. She is focusing on so many events, she runs the 100m hurdles, the 300m hurdles and is an important member of our 4x4 relay. We are at the point in the season where we need to focus on just a couple events so that she can really experience personal success. It's not a bad problem to have, being good at anything you try.

A huge improvement came from freshman sprinter/hurdler Erica Johnson in the 300m hurdles. She took 4th place with a time of 49.9. This is a huge barrier to break the 50second mark. She looked great and it was a big achievement to take a 4th place out of the slow heat and know almost 4 seconds off a sprint race time. She is has a lot of room to grow and it is exciting that she is only a freshman. Look for her to be very competitive at our Parkland Conference meet as well as the regional and sectional meets.

Coach K

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