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Wednesday, May 17, 2006



The weather was perfect last night. Absolutely perfect.

All we were missing were the spectators.

I am sure that the results will be posted to wisconsin track and field shortly. In the mean time I do remember a few things.

Claire ran a brilliant two mile again. She lapped everyone on the track at least once. I didn't get her time but she looked happy afterwards.

Erica almost won the 300m hurdles. It came down to the lean at the tape and even then the officials had to go to the video tape to be sure. It was a great race, possibly the best duel of the night.

TJ won the 800m with one of the greatest kicks I have ever seen. He made up almost 50m in the last 100m and just did lean for the win. The time was slow but the finish was still worth the price of admission.

The boys 4x8 set a conference record at ~8:09 something. If they can all put it together on the same night they are capable of 7:55. Tonight Andrew was the fast leg at 1:59 and change despite limping around on a bad knee for the last three days.

John turned in another great mile. He ran 4:50 which is a PR. He actually led part of the first lap and he looked pretty comfortable up there.

Tim took 2 seconds off of his 300m hurdle time. His form looked much better. He won the slow heat.

Jake and David ran another classic two mile. The goal was to break 10. David may have, Jake let his adrenaline take him out just a little two fast. They are both so capable of it that it is hard to see them dance on the edge.

Nick went AWOL with a case of senioritis which left the 4x4 short staffed. The distance crew stepped in but it wasn't pretty. If anybody sees Nick tell him we need him. Ditto for Flanders.

I'll post actual numbers if and when the coaches send them my way.

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