More blogs about shorewood track.

Friday, March 30, 2007


House keeping

I apologize for ignoring this site for the last week. I have been busy with other stuff.

If anyone has pictures or times from the last couple meets I would be happy to post them.

Also, someone commented that with two daughters on the girl's team I should have more info on the ladies. And to a certain extent that is true... and if all you want is the inside scoop on how my daughters ran I can do that. ( Emily ran a 7:00 mile last night. That's a 21 second PR). However the reality of teenagers is that they rarely know much of what is happening around them unless it is happening to them and their ability to communicate that to their parents is limited at best. I certainly don't rely on Andrew for the boy's news.

Dom has been really good about sending me regular e-mails with information. This is helpful because all I have to do is cut and paste and the stuff can be up in a matter of minutes. Ditto for the spaghetti dinners and banquets. Dom is unusual though in that he seems to be on his computer all of the time and he is very good about communicating by e-mail.

Sarah and Bill are not as attached to the Internet. That is not a criticism in any way. Sarah in particular is much more organized than Dom about creating elaborate handouts with relevant information for the girls. The difference is that I can't cut and paste the handouts easily even if I do get them.

Is there a point to this?

Yeah, this is a long way of explaining why this has become more of a site for the guys than the girls despite my intentions to make it work for both.

One possible solution is obviously to expand the number of people writing posts beyond myself. I am certainly happy to do so. If anybody out there would like to contribute on a regular basis please let me know in the comments and I will contact you.


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