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Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Must see videos

I will probably be saying this all year, but if you are not checking out the daily videos at Flocasts you are really making a huge mistake.

As a general rule it is very hard to find good coverage of track and field as a sport. Even harder to find is good source material from the best minds in the sport about why they do what they do and why it works. Impossible to find is advice and reflections from the current top athletes themselves. Heck it's hard to know who the top athletes are.

Flocasts is an amazing new resource. These guys are driving around the country in a beat up car with a video camera taping interviews with the best coaches and runners in the country. This has never been done before..... And they are doing a really great job with it. Their stated goal is to put up a new video every day for the whole year.

Who is in these videos? Well, Claire was in one that featured the Ladies team at Colorado last month.

There was one in particular recently ( March 1) that everyone on the team should watch. It features the coach from Texas, Vigilante ( how cool is that for a coach's last name), talking about his freshman superstar leo Manzano. the piece is titled "the freshman 15" . You may have to go to "more videos" and look for it because it has been buried by a slew of new interviews.

The part that really struck me was the coach talking at the beginning about talent. He says that there are a lot of different kinds of talent. Working hard is a talent; wanting to win is a talent; perseverance is a talent; etc... it is a good reminder why the most physically gifted runner isn't always first.

And, oh yeah, the finish of the race is awesome... Leo has some serious wheels.

Go see the video !

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