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Friday, March 16, 2007


Times for saturday

I am getting my info from Dom so if it tilts towards the Men it is only because of my source not any kind of bias.

The day is split between the ladies and the men. As courtesy dictates the ladies will go first.

The ladies field events will start at 8:30 a.m.
The running events will start 20 minutes after the finish of the field events at around 10:30 a.m.

The Men will start their field events at 4:30 p.m.
And the running events should start around 6:30 p.m.

The order of events will be as follows :

Meet Schedule:

Field Events

Triple Jump
High Jump:
Shot Put:
Pole Vault:

Running event (in this order)

3200m Relay:
55m Dash Trials:
55m Hurdle Trials:
55m Dash Semi-Final
55m Hurdle Semi-Final
800m Relay Final:
Mile Run Final:
55m Hurdle Final
55m Dash Final
800m Run:
200m Dash:
3200m Run:
1600m Relay Final:

Scoring: Top 8 in each event will score, 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1

Awards: Medals to top 8 finishers,
team plaques to top 2 teams.
One athlete of the meet awardfor girls, one for boys.

Track: 200m Mondo surface. ΒΌ" pyramid spikes or less. Spikes will be checked!

Everybody should come an hour before your event!

Those who are not competing please come in your shorewood clothing and WATCH. You can learn a lot about your event by being there!! Plus your teammates run-throw-jump better with fan support!!

WARNING!!!! You me be asked at any moment to run in a relay!! Just say YES coach and I will do my BEST!!!! There are many reason why you may be asked, do not question it! ( Dom doesn't say but I assume that this includes parents as well so wear appropriate shoes).

This is a great meet on a premiere track. Please come and show your support.

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Hello Mr. Erickson!
Are any of the guys running TFA in Madison this weekend (3/24)? If so, let me know...I live right across the street! Claire M
I don't believe so, but I will check with Dom. Andrew hasn't said anything but that doesn't mean a whole lot.
You have two daughters on the team and you can't even get the info for the girls? gosh golly.
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