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Friday, March 21, 2008


Whitewater reflections

It was a good first meet last night. The competition was a s advertised, and the team looked solid.

The 4X 8 led off for the boys and looked solid. They averaged 2:15 ish from where I was sitting and ran 9 something. I know Dom wanted them under 9, but they looked good going around.

The fast heat of the mile turned out to be a bit of a tactical surprise. Andrew led the first quarter in 70. He held even splits and finished in 5th at 4:42. Kevin ran negative splits which is a great indication that he is on the edge of a great season. He won the race going away in 4:32. The surprise was Agnew from Fort who was favored to win. he tends to go out fast and have a huge kick. I asked him afterwards why he let the first quarter go so slow and he said that he came in worried about kevin and Andrew and so sat on their shoulders at the begining; by the time he realized how slow it was it was too late and Kevin ran away from him.

Kevin seems to have a bit of a reputation building. Dom and I were chatting with a mom from CM after her son won the 800. When we said we were from Shorewood she mentioned that her son has a "kill Kevin" sign on his bedroom door. Apparently they are tired of coming in behind us every year. Watching kevin last night I would have to say that they should just get used to it.

Alex debuted in the 400. He ran a very respectable 58.3 and showed some good speed. That was good enough to place 18 out of 30. It will be interesting to see what he can do when we get outside and the turns become less of a factor.

Malachi and Cameron looked good in the long jump. I wish this picture were in better focus, but my camera just does not focus well under the sodium lights. Unfortunately he got shafted a bit in the 55 meter dash. He won his prelim easily and eased up at the finish, which is normal because you want to save something for the finals. In outdoor they take the winner of each heat plus the next fastest whatever. Unfortunately in indoor they take the 8 fastest regardless of heat. malachi just missed the finals by .03. That's the price of tuition.

Matt looked solid in the fast heat of the 800. He took the early lead and looked comfortable. he let a couple guys go by in the middle and wasn't quite able to reel them all back in before the finish. He ran 2:08 I think. With a little more experience he will win races like this.

Aiden and Joe also ran the 800. They give up a lot of height and stride length but they make up for it in guts. Aiden ran 2:16 and Joe was around 2:26

I left before the 4X4 but they apparently got 9th in 3:46; the girls didn't send any distance runners. Kristin got 5th in the 55m. I have some pictures, but I don't have any names to go with them at the moment. If anyone wants to help me out that would be great.



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