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Friday, April 04, 2008


Indoor Conference

The varsity indoor conference meet is indeed tomorrow

Saturday April 5th.

9:00 field events
10:00 running

The meet will be held at Carthage college. This is a gorgeous facility. Honestly one of the nicest indoor tracks in the country. In particular, some genius architect built the track above the swimming pool, so the humidity is ideal for running ( as opposed to most indoor tracks where the air is so dry that everyone leaves complaining about sore throats and scorched lungs).

The bus will be pulling out of the parking lot at 7:00 am. They will not wait for any stragglers or serial snooze alarm offenders. Dom also assures me that there is room on the bus for spectators and fans so there is no excuse to miss this event.

The field events start at 9:00 and the running events begin at 10:00.

The order of events looks like this:

3200 Meter Relay-Girls
3200 Meter Relay-Boys
55 Meter High Hurdles Pre-lims-Girls
55 Meter High Hurdles Pre-lims-Boys
55 Meter Dash Pre-lims-Girls
55 Meter Dash Pre-lims-Boys
- - -15 minute break- - -
55 Meter High Hurdles Final-Girls
55 Meter High Hurdle Final-Boys
55 Meter Dash Final-Girls
55 Meter Dash Final-Boys
1600 Meter Run-Girls
1600 Meter Run-Boys
800 Meter Relay-Girls
800 Meter Relay-Boys
400 Meter Dash-Girls
400 Meter Dash-Boys
800 Meter Run-Girls
800 Meter Run-Boys
200 Meter Dash-Girls
200 Meter Dash-Boys
200 Meter Low Hurdles-Girls
200 Meter Intermediate Hurdles-Boys
3200 Meter Run-Girls
3200 Meter Run-Boys
1600 Meter Relay-Girls
1600 Meter Relay-Boys

Plan on spending the day as these meets never finish early.

Carthage is pretty easy to find. The official directions read as follows:

From southbound I-94: Exit at Highway E, the first Kenosha exit. Follow east for approximately eight miles, or until the road ends at Sheridan Road (Wisconsin Highway 32) and turn right (south). Carthage College is on this road, approximately one mile south of Highway E. Turn left at the driveway past the flagpole and over the bridge to reach the Carthage Physical Education Center.

The building itself is rather unique in that it is "stacked" against the side of a hill. The track is all the way at the top ( about 4 levels up). There are some bleachers but a fold up chair might be your best bet if you don't want to stand all day or sit on the floor with the kids.

We have an unusually large team this year, which means that we will actually have someone entered in every event for a change.
On the men's side we have a chance to sweep the distance events if everyone wakes up healthy. And on the women's side Emily B. will presumably pick up where she left off last fall.
See you there !

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