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Monday, March 30, 2009


Woodland Conference Varsity Indoor Meet Info



TRACK: The track is a 200 meter 6 lane un-banked Martin Surface (encapsulated versaturf). 1/8” exposed Pyramid Spikes only!!! Please do not abuse this rule. If they spikes make a ‘clicking’ sound while running, they’re too long. Spikes are not allowed on the basketball courts in the track infield. Be sure to tell your athletes to stay off of those areas with spikes.

SCORING/TIMING: We will be using the Finish Lynx Fully Automatic Timing System and will be scoring the meet using Hy-Tek Meet Manager. Results will be made available at the conclusion of the meet. Coaches, please remind your athletes and assistant coaches to STAY CLEAR OF THE FINISH AREA. Failure to do so may result in the camera not catching the finish of a race.

ADVANCEMENT: In running events with trials, the heat winners and the next fastest times to eight (8) total individuals will qualify for finals. The finals will be run as one (1) heat of eight (8). All other races will be run as finals with the fastest section running last.

LONG JUMP: Located on the inside of the track. Distance from takeoff board to pit is 8 feet. Approach is approximately 130 ft. 1/8” exposed Pyramid Spikes only! “Open pit” for one (1) hour. Three jumps to each competitor. Nine (9) jumpers and ties will qualify for the finals where three (3) additional jumps can then be taken in reverse order. All best efforts from the trials will carry over in the finals.

TRIPLE JUMP: Located on the inside of the track. Takeoff board is 28, 32 and 36 feet. We will be adding a 24 foot takeoff board as well. Approach is approximately 130 ft. 1/8” exposed Pyramid Spikes only! “Open pit” for one (1) hour. Three jumps to each competitor. Nine (9) jumpers and ties will qualify for the finals where three (3) additional jumps can then be taken in reverse order. All best efforts from the trials will carry over in the finals.

HIGH JUMP: Located on the inside of the track. The high jump apron is the same surface as the track. 1/8” exposed Pyramid Spikes only, unless your jumper has a ‘long’ approach, which will begin on a synthetic surface where no spikes are allowed. Opening heights will be determined at the scratch meeting. 2” increments until there are 3 jumpers left and 1” increments thereafter. Second attempt at a height must be taken immediately after a miss.

POLE VAULT: Opening height to be determined prior to meet. Please have UP TO DATE verification forms. Bar will increase by 6” increments until 3 vaulters are left and 3” increments thereafter. Second attempts at a height must be taken immediately after a miss.

SHOT PUT: Located on the inside of the track. Throwing circle is wood. Athletes will be arranged in 2 flights. There will be three (3) puts allowed. Top (9) finishers will advance to finals and will be allowed an additional three (3) puts.

SPECTATORS: Admission for spectators is $3 for adults and $2 for students and senior citizens. BLEACHER AREAS in the field house are for SPECTATORS ONLY and not for athletes or coaches.

CONCESSIONS: A concession stand will be available on the second floor. The stand is located in the lobby area.

T-SHIRTS: Woodland Conference Indoor Track Meet short sleeve T-shirts will be on sale for $12 the day of the meet.

DIRECTIONS: From southbound I-94: Exit at Highway E, the first Kenosha exit. Follow east for approximately eight miles, or until the road ends at Sheridan Road (Wisconsin Highway 32) and turn right (south). Carthage College is on this road, approximately one mile south of Highway E. Turn left at the driveway past the flagpole and over the bridge to reach the Carthage Physical Education Center.

Order of Events

Field Events:
1:00pm - Pole Vault-Girls First followed by Boys
2:30pm - Shot Put-Girls First, followed by Boys
Long Jump-Boys first 2:30-3:30 finals 3:40, followed by Girls 4:30-5:30 finals 5:40
Triple Jump-Girls first 2:30-3:30 finals 3:40, followed by Boys 4:30-5:30 finals 5:40
High Jump-Boys first, followed by Girls

Running events begin at 3:00pm
All finals will run slow heat first

55 dash and hurdle finalists will be determined by heat winners and next fastest.
8 advance to finals

3200 Meter Relay-Girls
3200 Meter Relay-Boys
55 Meter High Hurdles Pre-lims-Girls
55 Meter High Hurdles Pre-lims-Boys
55 Meter Dash Pre-lims-Girls
55 Meter Dash Pre-lims-Boys
- - -15 minute break- - -
55 Meter High Hurdles Final-Girls
55 Meter High Hurdle Final-Boys
55 Meter Dash Final-Girls
55 Meter Dash Final-Boys
1600 Meter Run-Girls
1600 Meter Run-Boys
800 Meter Relay-Girls
800 Meter Relay-Boys
400 Meter Dash-Girls
400 Meter Dash-Boys
800 Meter Run-Girls
800 Meter Run-Boys
200 Meter Dash-Girls
200 Meter Dash-Boys
200 Meter Low Hurdles-Girls
200 Meter Intermediate Hurdles-Boys
3200 Meter Run-Girls
3200 Meter Run-Boys
1600 Meter Relay-Girls
1600 Meter Relay-Boys

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Friday, March 27, 2009


Whitefish Bay Invitational - Exhibition Afterall

Note from Coach Dom:
This meet ended up becoming an Exhibition meet. There was some mix up in meet entries, so the meet manager decided to cancel the scoring and to just run it as an exhibition. This is unfortunate as I really believe that we had a chance in winning our first meet in many years. We had some excellent performances! Keep up the great work. We have the Varsity Conference meet and the JV Conference meet coming up. I hope to get our Vaulter’s up and off the ground by the next meet.

Here is the info that I collected from Tuesday night at the meet:

I do not have all the results for the Throws and Jumps as soon as I get them from the coaches I will post.

3200 meter relay: 9:30.93
John: 2:21, Keith: 2:29, Aidan: 2:16, Joe 2:24 60 yd HH - Nate: 10.56, Kush: 9.78 60yd dash - Charles: 6.86, Joey: 7.11, Matthew: 7.14, Spencer: 7.28, Courtney: 7.53, Joe Kelley: 7.84, Antoine: 8.0, Drakkar: 8.0, Ben - 10.94
Mile Run:
John: 5:01, Brendan: 5:09, Gavin: 5:19, Nat: 5:34, David: 5:34
Oliver: 60.9, Tyler 66.5,
2 mile:
Joe Pendleton: 5:30 /11:02, Keith Dodd: 5:32 /11:33
Jordan: 2:17+, Aidan, 2:19, Brendan 2:21, Garret: 2:32,
Nat: 2:37, John Johnson, 2:39, Devon 2:41
4 Lap relay
A: 1:23.+ Charles Miller, Jordan Washington, Matt Washington, Joe Knutson.
B: 128+: Quinn, Courtney, Justin, Cameron.
220 yd dash
Charles: 25.75, Joey: 26.50, Nate: 26.91, Matthew: 27.01, Spencer: 27.65, Kush: 27.84, Charlie: 27.91, Antoine: 29.13, Gavin: 29.2, Tom: 30.12, Collin: 32.00, Ben: 45.7
Team A: 4:03.89
Jordan: 58.1, Kushner, 63.28, Oliver 60.66, Charles 61.85
Team B: 4:28
Gavin: 65+, Garret: 64+, John Taylor: 69.2, Pendleton: 68.7
Team C: 4:30
Aidan: 60.31, Nat: 67+, Devon, 73.85+, David 68.3
Long Jump:
James Newton: 17-9

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Woodland Indoor Conference Meet Schedule

Meet Information
Friday, April 3rd - Carthage College

Each team is limited to 26 individual entries. You may have a max of 3 entries per event except relays where you are allowed to enter only 1 relay team.

Pole vault starts at 1:00pm
All other field events begin at 2:30pm
Running Events will begin at 3:00pm.
Scoring will be 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1 for all events

Order of Events
Field Events begin at 1:00pm
Pole Vault-Girls First followed by Boys
Shot Put-Girls First, followed by Boys
Long Jump-Boys first 2:30-3:30 finals 3:40, followed by Girls 4:30-5:30 finals 5:40
Triple Jump-Girls first 2:30-3:30 finals 3:40, followed by Boys 4:30-5:30 finals 5:40
High Jump-Boys first, followed by Girls

Running events begin at 3:00pm
All finals will run slow heat first
55 dash and hurdle finalists will be determined by heat winners and next fastest.
8 advance to finals
3200 Meter Relay-Girls
3200 Meter Relay-Boys
55 Meter High Hurdles Pre-lims-Girls
55 Meter High Hurdles Pre-lims-Boys
55 Meter Dash Pre-lims-Girls
55 Meter Dash Pre-lims-Boys
- - -15 minute break- - -
55 Meter High Hurdles Final-Girls
55 Meter High Hurdle Final-Boys
55 Meter Dash Final-Girls
55 Meter Dash Final-Boys
1600 Meter Run-Girls
1600 Meter Run-Boys
800 Meter Relay-Girls
800 Meter Relay-Boys
400 Meter Dash-Girls
400 Meter Dash-Boys
800 Meter Run-Girls
800 Meter Run-Boys
200 Meter Dash-Girls
200 Meter Dash-Boys
200 Meter Low Hurdles-Girls
200 Meter Intermediate Hurdles-Boys
3200 Meter Run-Girls
3200 Meter Run-Boys
1600 Meter Relay-Girls
1600 Meter Relay-Boys

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Monday, March 23, 2009


Whitefish Bay Invitational on Tuesday!

Note from Dom:

The meet will be held at Whitefish Bay High School on Tuesday, March 21st at 4:15.
Teams competing: Whitefish Bay, Shorewood, Port Washington and Oconomowoc.

The field events are set to start at 4:30. Running events will follow.

We are only allowed to have 3 Varsity athletes per event and one relay team. You can be a Varsity athlete in one event and an exhibition athlete in another event! Coaches/Athletes will get your times in all exhibition events. We will need help timing with the large number of exhibition athletes. Please assign a friend who may not be running at that time to help time you as the officials will only record the Varsity athletes. Please be prepared to be asked to compete in a relay event. We can make changes at the meet, so nothing is set in "stone" until after the coaches meeting.

Absolutely no spikes can be worn on the track!!!!

Bus will leave at 3:30. So do not try to get out of your 7th hour class!

Order of Events:
4:30 All Field Events will start.
Long Jump-High Jump-Pole Vault-Shot Put
2 mile relay
60 yard Hurdles (No finals)
60 yard Dash (No finals)
4 lap relay 440 yard dash
880 yard run
220 yard Dash
2 mile Run
1 Mile relay

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Saturday, March 21, 2009


Greyhounds Show Promise at UW-Whitewater

The young and greatly expanded Shorewood Track & Field boys team showed great promise at the first meet of the season held at UW-Whitewater. According to Coach Dom, the team size has virtually doubled, from 25 last year, to approximately 50 dedicated boys this year. Friday's results may be a good leading indicator of what the team can do as this young team improves throughout the season.

While I was unable to get to the meet until halfway through...and could not keep track of everyone, here are some of the highlights as I saw them:

Boys 4x800 Relay Places Third With Solid Performance
The 4x800 relay team, manned by Tyler, Mazur, Taylor and Vorpahl had a good showing by placing third overall with a time of 8:52.56. Tyler set the tone with a 2:08, followed by Mazur at about 2:15 while Vorpahl and Taylor wrapped the effort up both at about 2:14. All four runners had PRs. While early in the season, this is the top conference time by a long shot. Their performance compares to a 9:04 last year.

Nate Booth Hurdles to a Strong Finish in 55 Hurdles
With a PR of 10.65, Booth placed 27th overall in a competitive field. His time ranks him as a contender in the Woodland Conference.

Miller, Knutson and Washington Compete in 55 Meter Dash
Shorewood was well represented in the 55 Meter Dash with all competitors generating PRs. Miller placed 18th with a time of 7.12, Knutson was right behind him at 7.15, followed by Washington at 7.45.

Morgan Baker Places 8th in Girls 1600 Meter Run
Seeded in the first heat, Baker absolutely dominated to field and had no competition through the 8 lap event. Her time of 6:07 should have placed her in the final heat, but regardless she had a great run with a solid finish. I believe this must be a PR.

Emily Bachhuber was scheduled to compete but was scratched due to illness.

Down to the Wire in the 1600 for Pre-ter Drews...Beaten Out by an Elbow; Pendleton Has Strong Showing Placing 14th
This had to be the most exciting finish of the meet....with Drews, in typical fashion, pouring it on during the final lap, getting edged out of first place by an elbow. Drews began the race in ordinary fashion, running in the middle of the pack, somewhere around 8th, during the first half of the race. He began to surge forward in the final quarter, quickly moving up to third place. With just one lap to go, Peter moved into second place and still had a good 30 meter gap to close to catch the leader with a half-lap to go. His kick "kicked in" but could not get around Rehfeldt in the final 5 meters and came in second, .21 seconds behind the champion. Drews had a solid PR and is ranked top in conference and highly ranked in D2 state with this time.

Pendleton was in the second fastest heat and ran an impressive race. He kept a good pace but for laps 4 and 5 when he decided to take a break, spiking above a 40 second pace. He made up for it with a strong finish, passing a runner and placing 2nd in his heat with a time of 5:02.

Boys 4x200 Had Solid Time But DQd for Tough Handoff
The team made up of Matt Washington, Jordan Washington, Charles Miller and Joey Knutson had a strong showing and would have placed relatively high with a time of around 1:43.6 but for a DQ due to a poor handoff. This foursome shows good promise for the future as they get their act together on the exchanges.

Shorewood Boys Fair Well in the 400 Meters...With Jordan Having a Great Race
Jordan Washington got his 400 Meter season off to a strong start with a time of 55.1, placing him fourth overall for a medal. Oliver Heywood proved he has some talent as a sprinter as well coming in with a time of 58.2.

Dodd Finishes Strong in 800; Schroeder Gives All in First 400 of 800 Meter Race
Freshman Keith Dodd's first time effort in the 800 was an impressive 2:18, placing him 18th overall in the meet. Keith ran alone for most of the race as the runners were stretched out around the track. Not knowing how much he had in him, Keith closed the gap considerably during the final lap. This time places him as the top runner in this event for the Woodland Conference. While early in the season, Dodd's performance as a Freshman is encouraging.

Determined to make his mark, Gavin positioned himself as the top guy to beat in his heat of the 800 Meter race, setting the pace considerably fastest than the pack. Going out at 1:05 for the first 400 and well in the lead, Gavin "hit the wall" and could not hold his lead, finishing fourth with a respectable time of 2:22.04. I believe this is a PR for Gavin and am sure he learned a lot about pace in the 800 which will serve him well in the future.

Big Aces Duke It Out in 3200; Tyler Finishes Third
This event was everything it was promoted to be as three of the top distance runners went head to head in the first meet of the season. Spencer Agnew was the runner to beat and he quickly set the pace with Lauderbach and Tyler falling in step for step right behind; the remaining runners quickly lagged the leading trio. The three were still together stride for stride at the 1 mile mark at a pace of about 4:47-8. Shortly thereafter the trio began to lap the other runners and some jockeying around for first happened as they passed. At about lap 10 Agnew decided to make a statement and broke out with Lauderbach holding on and Tyler slipping back. By the 14th lap it was clear that the race was either Agnew's or Lauderbach's depending on who had the stronger kick. As it turns out, Agnew had the stronger kick and won the race by 1.5 seconds, at 9:30.62; Lauderbach was second with a very impressive PR of 9:32.28 and Tyler finished third with a strong PR of 9:47.52. All three set a meet record.

4x400 Places 17th to Wrap Up the Meet at About 10:00 pm
The foursome of J. Washington, Oliver Heywood, Peter Drews and Mario Giacovassi closed the house with a 4x400 time of 3:55.20. Jordon led off at about 55.0, followed by Oliver at about 61, Drews and Mario both at about 58.

Field Events
I did not watch any of the field events so I can't offer much commentary (sorry). Here are the results:

Shot Put
12th place Mario 43'10".5
46th place Antione 33'3''

Long Jump
14th place Charles Miller 18-02
22nd place Cameron Hood 17-04.05

Link to Results:

Also, you might want to bookmark a great website for results and season highlights.

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Thursday, March 19, 2009


First Track Meet This Friday!

First meet of the season will be tomorrow, Friday, March 20th at UW-Whitewater.
Directions can be found here:


2:00 Excused From Class. Please check with your Teachers on what you may need to make up.
2:15 Leave SHS
3:20 Arrive at UW-Whitewater

Please make sure that you have something in Red (long-sleeve) and black sweats so that we can look like a team. You may also wear a Grey Sweat shirt with Shorewood on it.

Make sure that you talk to your event coaches on what to do for a warm-up when you get there.
Also bring snacks (healthy) to munch on during the meet we usually do not stop on the way home. Always expect to be in a relay event. There has been many times when we may need you as an alternate! Let’s put out our max effort! This is a team event! Every last effort helps not only but also the team. Watch your language while at the meet. Never show disrespect towards your competitors or teammates.

(girls first unless otherwise stated)

55 METER HIGH HURDLE FINALS (boys first, then girls)
INVITATIONAL 3200 One entrant per team


GIRLS LONG JUMP (cafeteria style for 90 minutes, then finals)
BOYS TRIPLE JUMP (cafeteria style for 90 minutes, then finals)
GIRLS TRIPLE JUMP (cafeteria style for 90 minutes, then finals)
BOYS LONG JUMP (cafeteria style for 90 minutes, then finals)
Link to Heets:
Shorewood Boys and Girls Participating:
Mens55 Meter Dash
- Charles Miller [6.9]
- Joey Knutson [7.1]
- Matt Washington [7.1]
55m Hurdles
- Nate Booth [11.5]
4x200 Relay
- Jordan Washington [1:39]
- Cameron Hood
- Quinn Jungenrs
- Joey Knutson
- Charles Miller
- Matt Washington
4x800 Relay [8:50]
- Ben Tyler
- Aidan Mazur
- John Taylor
- Brendan Vorphal
1600 Meters
- Peter Drews [4:38]
- Joe Pendelton [4:55]
400 Meters
- Jordan Washington [54.9]
- Oliver Heywood [56.8]
800 Meters
- Keith Dodd [2:15]
- Gavin Schroeder [2:17]
3200 Meters
- Ben Tyler [10:10]
4x400 Relay [3:45]
- Peter Drews
- Mario Giacobassi
- Oliver Heywood
- Quinn Jungenrs
- Brendan Vorphal
- Jordan Washington

Shot Put
- Mario Giacobassi
- Antoine Davis
Long Jump
- Cameron Hood
- Charles Miller
Triple Jump
- Drakkar Ware
- Charles Miller

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Saturday, March 14, 2009


Parent Meeting Tuesday Night!

Parent Meeting on Tuesday, March 17th from 7:00-7:30pm at SHS Youth Center (near the bowling alley).

Coaches would like the opportunity to answer any questions you may have about the upcoming season and to inform you about program and the experiences your student-athletes will have.

Sarah Kopplin – head girls coach

Dominic Newman - head boys coach

P.S. I bet Mr. Drews will have some order forms at the meeting for the cool T-Shirts!

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Order Your Customized Shorewood Track Shirts by D. Drews

C H E C K I T O U T !


If you liked the fall cross country checkerboard design, you’ll love the dynamic new version
And, check out the dynamic op art framework by going to Dom's email he sent out Friday night. Unfortunately, I don't know how to add attachments to show you the cool pictures.

Your choice of red or black, long or short sleeve tee shirts, at a lower price than last year.
(if you want a sweatshirt, let me (Dave Drews) know.

Check out for styles and prices (plus tax and shipping)

Short Sleeve Red or Black T-Shirts Price $9.50 each (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Long Sleeve Red or Black T-Shirts Price $10.00 each (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Add $1.00 for each XXL shirt

To Order:
Get order from from Dom email and return to David Drews (or Peter) by Sunday March 22.
2425 E. Newton, or email

Descriptions: White print on red shirt or black shirt. Grey greyhound on back (as on uniforms)
Short sleeve T: Champion (or Gildan Ultra Cotton) 6.1oz 100% Cotton.
Long Sleeve T: Gildan 100% cotton.

SWEATSHIRTS: Last fall we included a lightweight Gildan crewneck sweat that was only a little more than the long sleeve T. This year I have not preselected sweats. If you would like to order a sweatshirt, or some other item, check out for styles and prices, which vary from around $12 to $30+. Assuming the deal is the same as last fall, the minimum quantity applies to the total order as long as all items are printed with the same design and color (white letters, grey greyhound), so we could order one or a few. We will need to add tax and shipping for us to break even. Let me know below, and I’ll see if we can order it.
(Note: design might be too tall for “hoodie”s with pouches on the front.
sweatshirt cat. sku#
$0.90 shipping
*Note on prices: Prices cover costs, with a small team profit if enough shirts are ordered.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Wonder What the Order of Events Are?

Generally, here is the order of events in a track meet:

Indoor Track & Field events include:
Track Events in a typical order
3200M Relay
55M High Hurdles
55M Dash
4 x1Lap Relay
1600M Run
400M Dash
800M Run
3200M Run
1600M Relay

Field Events
High Jump
Long Jump
Shot Put

Outdoor Track & Field events include:
Track Events in a typical order
3200M Relay
110/100M High Hurdles
100M Dash
800M Relay
1600M Run
400M Relay
400M Dash
300M Hurdles
800M Run
200M Dash
3200M Run
1600M Relay

Field Events
Discus Throw
High Jump
Long Jump
Shot Put
Triple Jump

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Track Season Schedule

2009 Track & Field Schedule (more details to follow - subject to change)

Monday, March 9 Season Begins 3:45
Saturday, March 14 SAT Only
Friday, March 20 UW-Whitewater TBD (Only the top individual per event)
Tuesday, March 24 Whitefish Bay Quad 4:30 (JV and V)
Friday, April 3 Conference Indoors TBD (Varsity)
Saturday, April 4 ACT Test Registration deadline is March 13th
Tuesday, April 7 JV Conference Cudahy 4:30 JV
Spring Break - there may be a meet Saturday, April 11th Time Standard to get in.
Tuesday, April 21 New Berlin Relays ?? 4:00
Tuesday, April 28 Shorewood Triangular TBD
Tuesday, April 28 Baby Due After Our Home Meet!
Friday, May 1 Wauwatosa West Invite 3:00 (JV/V)
Saturday, May 2 SAT and Subject Test
Saturday, May 2 Marquette Invite 10:00 (JV/V)
Thursday, May 14 Cedarburg JV Invite 4:00 JV
Friday, May 15 Cedarburg Invite 4:00 Varsity
Tuesday, May 19 Conference/Greendale 3:00 Varsity
Thursday, May 21 JV Conference/Brown Deer 3:30 JV
Tuesday, May 26 WIAA Regional @ Wisco TBD
Friday, May 29 WIAA Sectional @ UW-Whitwater TBD
Thursday, June 4-6 WIAA State Meet @ UW-LaCrosse TBD
Saturday, June 6 SAT and Subject Test

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Great News! Shorewood to Host Track Meet!

Shorewood Greyhounds will be hosting their first Home meet on the new track on April 28th! It will be co-hosted with Milwaukee Pulaski and there will be up to five teams participating! This is fantastic news and, in part, came about due to the strong demand for such a venue by the parents....which means it's our turn to make sure we pitch in to help!

Please let Dom know right away that we are here to support the cause!

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Note from Dom Regarding Tuesday's Time Trials

Message from Dom to the boys:

Nice job today with the 1 Mile Time Trial! It is hard to get back into the swing of things only a few days into the season. Despite that, I'm happy that you took on the roll of getting in your warm ups without me and making sure that everybody was ready to go when the time came to race. If you are not happy with your time, then throw it out the window!! It is a starting point for me in writing your workouts until you next race. Once you improve on your times then we can adjust your workouts and get you ready to peak for the end of the season. A quick look, seems to say that everybody improved from last year. NICE JOB! Take care of the little things.

Ben Tyler: 4:43
Peter Drews: 4:43
Joe Pendleton: 5:00
John Taylor: 5:14
Aidan Mazur: 5:16
Dom Newman: 5:17 (could this be coach?)
Brendan Vorphal: 5:24
Gavin Schroeder: 5:29
Oliver Heywood: 5:35
Jordan Washington: 5:36
Keith Dodd: 5:38
David Stern: 5:42
Nat Froiland: 5:55
John Johnson: 5:56
Tyler Johnson: 5:58
Devin Holling: 6:04
Garret Hennig: 6:17

Last year results:
Drews Peter: 5:01
Dupuis Sammy: 5:14
Erickson Andrew: 4:54
Froiland Nat: DNF 3:53
Lee Brian: 5:10
Mazur Aidan: 5:21
McCollow Kevin: 4:36
Pendelton Joe: 5:16
Shroeder Gavin: 5:33
Taylor John: 5:20
Tyler Ben: 4:50
Vorpahl Brendon: 5:37

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