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Saturday, March 31, 2007


The half

Andrew was in second place after the quarter which was a tame 59 sec. The pack slowed down in the third lap and Andrew took the lead. He held it right up to the last 4 feet... when he got passed by a pack. I think he got fourth. They all finished in 2:02. That was the closest half I have seen in forever.

Christian just finished the 2 mile. I missed his official time but he was just under 11:00 in second place. He looked like he was running easy.

next up is the mile relay... we will see if any one has any gas left in the tank.

Don't forget, conference in on Monday at carthage college.

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the quarter

Dennis dueled Denure in the fast heat of the quarter. Denure slipped by with 100m to go and held on to win. Dennis crossed in second place with a time of 53 seconds. That's smoking this early in the season.

Andrew is up next in the open 800m.

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The Mile

Christian was scheduled to run the mile but he traded with Ben at the last minute. I have no idea what was involved in the trade.

Ben went out strong and crossed the half in 2:31. He lost contact in the second half and finished in 5:05. If he had had someone to run with I think he could have broken 5 but it was a gutsy effort none the less.

More races as they happen.

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Live from Madison

This is new and different. The college has free internet access set up all over so I thought I would post the early numbers.

The 4 X 8 just finished. Monroe won easily in 7:56. Apparently they are still upset about cross country.

Andrew led off. He got boxed on the first lap but retook the lead in lap two His split was 2:03 something.
He handed off to Dennis in second place. Dennis looked great but couldn't make up the gap. He also ran 2:03. Dennis gave the stick to David. David looked a little flat. He ran a 2:07 but maintained our overall position. ( Denure ran a 1:56 split just in front of him for Monroe). Jordan was running anchor and looked good for the first 200. However his allergies kicked in and he had to finish the rest of the race sans oxygen. His split was 2:17 ish. The total time was 8:29 and the team finished 5th. Not what we were looking for but it is still early in the season.

There is a break in the action at the moment. I will post on the open 800 and the mile relay as they happen.


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Friday, March 30, 2007


Men's race on Saturday

Dom will be taking the distance crew to the madison West Relays on Saturday. This is a huge meet with a lot of great competition. We haven't been here before so it should be interesting.

The meet will be at the Shell, I am assuming that this is the college facility next to the football stadium and that there isn't some other facility with the same name...

The guys will leave from the high school at 8:00 sharp and get to madison around 9:30.
The field events start around 10:00 and the first running event is scheduled for 11:00.

The first running event will be the 3200m relay and we do have a team in the pool so you don't want to be late. The meet should finish around 3:00 or so.

Spectators will probably be asked to pay $3-$5 dollars at the door so be prepared. Also parking in madison can be a bit iffy so pack a roll of quarters for the meters.

Should be a good event.

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House keeping

I apologize for ignoring this site for the last week. I have been busy with other stuff.

If anyone has pictures or times from the last couple meets I would be happy to post them.

Also, someone commented that with two daughters on the girl's team I should have more info on the ladies. And to a certain extent that is true... and if all you want is the inside scoop on how my daughters ran I can do that. ( Emily ran a 7:00 mile last night. That's a 21 second PR). However the reality of teenagers is that they rarely know much of what is happening around them unless it is happening to them and their ability to communicate that to their parents is limited at best. I certainly don't rely on Andrew for the boy's news.

Dom has been really good about sending me regular e-mails with information. This is helpful because all I have to do is cut and paste and the stuff can be up in a matter of minutes. Ditto for the spaghetti dinners and banquets. Dom is unusual though in that he seems to be on his computer all of the time and he is very good about communicating by e-mail.

Sarah and Bill are not as attached to the Internet. That is not a criticism in any way. Sarah in particular is much more organized than Dom about creating elaborate handouts with relevant information for the girls. The difference is that I can't cut and paste the handouts easily even if I do get them.

Is there a point to this?

Yeah, this is a long way of explaining why this has become more of a site for the guys than the girls despite my intentions to make it work for both.

One possible solution is obviously to expand the number of people writing posts beyond myself. I am certainly happy to do so. If anybody out there would like to contribute on a regular basis please let me know in the comments and I will contact you.


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Friday, March 16, 2007


Times for saturday

I am getting my info from Dom so if it tilts towards the Men it is only because of my source not any kind of bias.

The day is split between the ladies and the men. As courtesy dictates the ladies will go first.

The ladies field events will start at 8:30 a.m.
The running events will start 20 minutes after the finish of the field events at around 10:30 a.m.

The Men will start their field events at 4:30 p.m.
And the running events should start around 6:30 p.m.

The order of events will be as follows :

Meet Schedule:

Field Events

Triple Jump
High Jump:
Shot Put:
Pole Vault:

Running event (in this order)

3200m Relay:
55m Dash Trials:
55m Hurdle Trials:
55m Dash Semi-Final
55m Hurdle Semi-Final
800m Relay Final:
Mile Run Final:
55m Hurdle Final
55m Dash Final
800m Run:
200m Dash:
3200m Run:
1600m Relay Final:

Scoring: Top 8 in each event will score, 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1

Awards: Medals to top 8 finishers,
team plaques to top 2 teams.
One athlete of the meet awardfor girls, one for boys.

Track: 200m Mondo surface. ΒΌ" pyramid spikes or less. Spikes will be checked!

Everybody should come an hour before your event!

Those who are not competing please come in your shorewood clothing and WATCH. You can learn a lot about your event by being there!! Plus your teammates run-throw-jump better with fan support!!

WARNING!!!! You me be asked at any moment to run in a relay!! Just say YES coach and I will do my BEST!!!! There are many reason why you may be asked, do not question it! ( Dom doesn't say but I assume that this includes parents as well so wear appropriate shoes).

This is a great meet on a premiere track. Please come and show your support.

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The magic of the net

Jim Ryun was the first high school runner to break 4 minutes in the mile. After a turbulent running career, he became a US congressman from kansas, and on a junket to Argentina in 2002 he signed the pair of spikes that Heidi has been running in.

Would you like to go back to 1965 and watch him run a sub 4 mile? would it be even cooler if he out kicks Peter Snell to do it? (Snell, of course was the olympic champion in both the 800 and the 1500 at the 1964 olympics in Rome. A double that has yet to be repeated).

Well thanks to the magic of the internet you can see the whole race without commercials at this link : .


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Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Must see videos

I will probably be saying this all year, but if you are not checking out the daily videos at Flocasts you are really making a huge mistake.

As a general rule it is very hard to find good coverage of track and field as a sport. Even harder to find is good source material from the best minds in the sport about why they do what they do and why it works. Impossible to find is advice and reflections from the current top athletes themselves. Heck it's hard to know who the top athletes are.

Flocasts is an amazing new resource. These guys are driving around the country in a beat up car with a video camera taping interviews with the best coaches and runners in the country. This has never been done before..... And they are doing a really great job with it. Their stated goal is to put up a new video every day for the whole year.

Who is in these videos? Well, Claire was in one that featured the Ladies team at Colorado last month.

There was one in particular recently ( March 1) that everyone on the team should watch. It features the coach from Texas, Vigilante ( how cool is that for a coach's last name), talking about his freshman superstar leo Manzano. the piece is titled "the freshman 15" . You may have to go to "more videos" and look for it because it has been buried by a slew of new interviews.

The part that really struck me was the coach talking at the beginning about talent. He says that there are a lot of different kinds of talent. Working hard is a talent; wanting to win is a talent; perseverance is a talent; etc... it is a good reminder why the most physically gifted runner isn't always first.

And, oh yeah, the finish of the race is awesome... Leo has some serious wheels.

Go see the video !

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Free Food

The first pasta dinner of the season for the boy's team will be at the Larsen's house, this Friday the 16th.

They are located at 4541 N Marlborough Dr (one house from the corner of Glendale and Marlborough). They will put a danish flag in the front yard.

The food will be ready at 6:00.

If you have never hosted one of these you should consider doing so, it is a great way to meet the team, and the kids are very appreciative.

I'm sure that the girl's will have one also, I will post the details when I get an e-mail.

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007


First race is this weekend !

This saturday is the Shorewood Invite at UWM. This is a great event but a really long day.
Because of the nature of indoor track meets and the number of teams participating ... each team is limited to two runners per event. this means that only the older more seasoned runners will run here. I don't have times yet but the meet tends to run all day and then some. Volunteers are deffinitely essential so call Bill or Dom if you can help out for some or all of the meet.

I will post more details when Dom releases them.

See you all there!

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Monday, March 12, 2007


Meeting Tonight

There will be a Track and Field Parents Meeting tonight,

Monday, March 12th at 7 pm in the commons at SIS.

We ask that all parents please attend to gather information regarding the season expectation and helpful tips regarding the nutrition and well-being of your student athlete during their Track and Field season.

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you on Monday!

Dominic Newman

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