More blogs about shorewood track.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


State Schedule

The official schedule for the state meet can be found here. Note that the D1 boys mile and 800 are in the morning on Friday while the 3200 is on Saturday. The D2 girls 4x800 relay is on friday while the boys are the first running event on Saturday. They will charge seperately to see the D1 and D2 races on Friday. Overall this schedule is not very spectator friendly.

The official preview can be found here. They mention that tickets are $6 for each session or $10 for a full day on Friday. Claire gets a nice mention in the highlights section.

If you plan to come there are some traditional but unofficial gatherings. Call Dom for the details.

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Banquet News

Please plan to attend the 2006 SHS Track & Field Awards Dinner on

Wednesday, May 31, at 5:30 PM in the Shorewood Intermediate School commons.
The main course will be provided along with your side dish based on your last name, as follows:

• A-M please bring salad/fruit
• N-Q please bring bread/rolls/crackers
• R-Z please bring dessert

Athletes and coaches eat free, the cost for family members is $5.00 per person.

Please RSVP by leaving a message at (414) 964-5787 or by delivering payment to:
Therese Palazzari
4028 N. Farwell

PS: Additional monetary donations are welcomed.

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Friday, May 26, 2006


so close ...

The rain circled the field for most of the night but the track stayed dry. It was a little uncanny.

The official results are here.

The boy's 4x800 team advances with a solid win. They lowered their own meet record from last year by 6 seconds. They should be in the fast heat at the state meet. There were no individual qualifiers on the boy's team. Which doesn't mean that there weren't some huge races it's just that the competition was that deep and that good.

On the girl's side, the 4x800 team got a pr by 15 seconds but came up just short in what was a very fast and very wild finish. They will all be back next year which will be great for the program. Individually, only Claire was good enough to move on and she did so with style. She was all alone out front in the mile and the two mile. A dominate performance.

On a side note a friend of hers from another school named courtney ran on a fractured hip. Courtney ran a leg of the 4x800, the mile, and the two mile and made it to state in two. A very gutsy performance.

The state meet is on the 2nd and the 3rd of June in Lacrosse. The 4x800 will be very competitive but we do have a chance to win.

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Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Last Chance

Sectionals are tomorrow, Thursday the 25th at Whitewater High School. The fun will start at 4:00. The meet should progress a little faster than normal. We have a significant number of qualifiers and the competition will be pretty intense.

It’s about an hour and a half drive, so that shouldn’t hold you back. It may rain which would be a bummer for spectators but could be a plus for the runners. Directions are here.
( I wouldn't trust the directions on Google).

In case you are wondering what other schools will be there since it is neither logical nor obvious I did a little digging. Our section takes the top four finishers from each of four regions. I printed out the relevant list below.



CA M B R I D G E REGIONAL – Cambridge, Jefferson, Lake Mills, Lakeside Lutheran, Palmyra-Eagle, Pewaukee, Saint John’s NW Military
Academy (boys only), Watertown Luther Prep, Whitewater

CATHOLICMEMORIAL REGIONAL – Big Foot, Catholic Memorial, East Troy, Kenosha St. Joseph, Martin Luther, New Berlin West, Racine
Saint Catherine’s, Shoreland Lutheran, Union Grove.

GRAFTON REGIONAL – Brown Deer, Dominican, Grafton, Messmer, Milwaukee Lutheran, Milwaukee North, Saint Francis, Shorewood, Thomas
More, University School of Milwaukee.

KEWASKUM REGIONAL – Campbellsport, Horicon, Kettle Moraine Lutheran, Kewaskum, Lomira, Mayville, Oostburg, Random Lake, Waupun.

As you can see there are about 36 schools in our group.

This is the last chance to see the teams compete before State.

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Odds are ...

The boys' 4x800 team has the second best time coming into the section behind Pewaukee, so we will be in the fast heat for sure and should have an easy time advancing.

There are nine good milers who will be vying for 4 spots. Mcfall has the best time of the season at 4:25 ( he ran 4:32 monday), followed by Szczch who has run 4:26. Blank and Weissner both ran 4:33 on Monday and Ashendon ran 4:39. Dennis and Drew are capable of running low 4:30's ... That's more than four. The wild card is that five of these guys are doubling in the two mile and Szczch is tripling in the 800 as well so they might try to hold a little back. Drew and Dennis are the only ones in the 4x800. It will be a real race. Not one to sit and kick, that's for sure.

Jake and David own the third and fourth best times in the two mile and will be fresh.

Good luck guys!

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Beaten by the rule book part III

This is unfortunately a very common theme in our sport. Bureaucrats who have never run a step in their lives finding a way to negate years of hard work by a great athlete. Nick End ran for Shorewood and then for CM but apparently wont compete at the NCAA's. The following is an e-mail that he sent to several running sites looking for help. What he needs is a good lawyer.

My name is Nick End and I run for Carnegie Mellon University. This season I qualified for D3 nationals provisionally in the 5k and 10k. My time in the 5k was 23rd on the list and my 10k was 12th. I knew my 10k time would get me in and the 5k wouldn't so my coach and I decided to only declare me for the 10k. On Saturday when my coach declared me for the events, he accidentally clicked on the 5k instead of the 10k. Because of this I was not selected for the national meet. My coach realized the mistake on Sunday morning at 6 am and contacted the selection committee who supposedly reviewed the situation and decided not to let me run because they followed the NCAA rules and it was my coach's mistake. My coach did everything he could to rectify the situation including offering to pay for my trip but the NCAA wouldn't budge. Now because of a clerical error I am not allowed to run at NCAAs my senior year in what would have been my last collegiate race. I have been talking to the NCAA for the past 3 days trying to change the situation. Everyone from the NCAA I talk to says that it's a horrible situation and it isn't right but they aren't willing to change anything because they followed the rules. The NCAA is supposed to protect the athletes and in this case I am being punished for something completely out of my hands. While the mistake is frustrating, that complacency of the NCAA is infuriating. The NCAA claims to hold themselves to high levels of integrity and teach athletes values they can use for the rest of their lives. I see no integrity in letting something like this happen. Let me know what you think or if you can help.


Nick End

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Results from Grafton

The Results can be found here. I'm not sure why they aren't on Wisconsin Track and Field yet.

There were a few surprises both good and bad.

Continued ( press read more)

Both the boys and the girls 4x800 teams won their flights and advanced. The guys ran about 6 seconds slower than they were projecting but should be fine.

Drew and Dennis pulled through in the mile which went in a somewhat sluggish 4:40. The real news was that Bassen stayed right with them and posted a new PR of 4:45 that's down 30 seconds from the brgining of the year for those of you scoring at home.

Jake and david paced the two mile and finished together at 9:56

Doug and TJ finished just out of the money in the open half in what was the biggest shock of the afternoon.

And Jake A. took the last traveling spot in the long jump! 19'08".

On the girl's side,

Alyssa tied for the top mark in the high jump after scaring us with two carless misses on the opening height.

Claire ran her own races and moves on in the mile and the two mile.

Becca took second in the two mile.

Erica took first the 300 hurdles with the correct lean this time.

Katja and Colleeenwill run the 800 again on Thursday,

And Kristin ran well enough in the 200m to earn another race.

Congratulations to everyone!

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Alumni reunion Pics

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Friday, May 19, 2006


Useful info for Monday

The regional Qualifying Meet is on Monday
This year’s host school is Grafton

The bus will leave school at 2:00pm.
You will be dismissed from your classes at 1:45.

The meet will start at 3:30 with the field events and the 4x800.

Make sure that you have your black uniform and spikes for this meet.
Be prepared for possible weather changes!

Finally come prepared to qualify for the next rounds at sectionals!

Grafton Regional Track Championship registration for Shorewood (M) as of 05/18/06


Men's 100m Dash:Bennett, Esten: 13.4
Men's 200m Dash:Clasen, Tomas: 24.5 Bennett, Esten: 27.5
Men's 400m Dash: Washington, Jordan: 54.4 Valusek, Brian: 52.8
Men's 800m Run: Owen, TJ: 1:57.9 Stewart, Douglas: 2:02
Men's 1,600m Run:Walsh, Dennis: 4:30? Erickson, Andrew: 4:33 Bassen, Jon: 4:45
Men's 3,200m Run: Salmon, David: 9:55 Larsen, Christian: 11:10 Haury, Jake: 9:55
Men's 110m Hurdles:Lancina, Tim: 18.00Hackett, Joe: 19.87
Men's 300m Hurdles:Lancina, Tim: 46.00Hackett, Joe: 47.00
Men's 4 x 400m Relay:A: 3:35
Men's 4 x 800m Relay:A: 8:08.00Men's High Jump:Musa, Ndlo: 5' 6"
Men's Long Jump:Walker, Mike: 18' 4"Aguilar, Jake: 19' 11"
Men's Triple Jump:Aguilar, Jake: 40' 3"Walker, Mike: 32' 2"
Men's Shot Put:Rhodes, Zehren: 42' 0"Miller, Alex: 33' 0"Giacobassi, Mario: 38' 0"
Men's Discus Throw:Rhodes, Zehren: 100' 0"Miller, Alex: 80' 0"Giacobassi, Mario: 89' 0"

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1. The muskego meet has been canceled again. Apparently we were the only school interested in holding a JV style meet on Saturday.

2. Regionals will be on Monday at Grafton High School

3. Sectionals will be on Thursday at Whitewater High School

4. State will be in in Lacrosse on the 2nd and 3rd of June

5. Team pictures are today

6. There will be a cross country meeting on June 5th right after school. This will be a key meeting to set the tone for the fall. Please encourage any would be runners who may be fence sitting to come and check it out.

7. There will be a banquet at some point but the date has not been set yet that I know of.

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JV Conference

It was another great night for running.
The rain cleared and the wind stayed home.

The numbers were a little light but the people who ran did very well.

Ben tried to psych out the underclassmen by consuming an order of nachos before running the two mile. It didn't work out to well for him.

Heidi and Erin both pr'd in the 800m.

Margo came back from a series of nagging injuries and ran a solid quarter.

Zach challenged for first in the half but had to settle for second.

And there was a nice group of freshman guys in the mile.

The future looks good.

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Wednesday, May 17, 2006



The weather was perfect last night. Absolutely perfect.

All we were missing were the spectators.

I am sure that the results will be posted to wisconsin track and field shortly. In the mean time I do remember a few things.

Claire ran a brilliant two mile again. She lapped everyone on the track at least once. I didn't get her time but she looked happy afterwards.

Erica almost won the 300m hurdles. It came down to the lean at the tape and even then the officials had to go to the video tape to be sure. It was a great race, possibly the best duel of the night.

TJ won the 800m with one of the greatest kicks I have ever seen. He made up almost 50m in the last 100m and just did lean for the win. The time was slow but the finish was still worth the price of admission.

The boys 4x8 set a conference record at ~8:09 something. If they can all put it together on the same night they are capable of 7:55. Tonight Andrew was the fast leg at 1:59 and change despite limping around on a bad knee for the last three days.

John turned in another great mile. He ran 4:50 which is a PR. He actually led part of the first lap and he looked pretty comfortable up there.

Tim took 2 seconds off of his 300m hurdle time. His form looked much better. He won the slow heat.

Jake and David ran another classic two mile. The goal was to break 10. David may have, Jake let his adrenaline take him out just a little two fast. They are both so capable of it that it is hard to see them dance on the edge.

Nick went AWOL with a case of senioritis which left the 4x4 short staffed. The distance crew stepped in but it wasn't pretty. If anybody sees Nick tell him we need him. Ditto for Flanders.

I'll post actual numbers if and when the coaches send them my way.

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JV Conference

The JV meet is today at Brown Deer High School the directions are here.

The meet starts at 4:00. Yesterday they started both the running and the field events right at 4:00 despite posting information that the running would start at 4:30 so come early if you have someone in the 4x8 that you want to see. Also these are the fastest meets of the year. Last night we were done just after 7:00. It was still light out.

Do watch the weather reports, they will postpone or reschedule if there is lightening otherwise they will run. I will post an update here if there is an official announcement.

Good Luck everyone!

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Lactic acid research

An article out today in the New York Times summarizes a change in thinking about Lactic Acid. Apparently it is good for you. Scientists have found that it is actually a fuel source and that you need more of it not less to run well. The article is here.

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Pictures ?

Many of my pictures do not turn out because my camera was not built for sports and I know nothing about cameras. However some of the blurry ones are still kind of cool if you are a fan of Picasso or Monet. Here are a couple recent ones that I like.

As always if you click directly on the pictures you can see the larger uncompressed version. You can also download and print any that you might like.

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Monday, May 15, 2006


Conference tomorrow

The varsity conference meet is tomorrow at Pewaukee. This is for the varsity only, There is a seperate JV conference meet on Wednesday. It is NOT at Pewaukee, the JV race is at Brown Deer. Directions to pewaukee can be found here. I will post more details when I get them.

The meet will start with field events at 4:00 and running events at 4:30. The bus will leave school at 2:30. The 4x8 will go off right at 4:30 so plan to be on time if you want to see it.

The weather report looks better than I expected. The rain should stop in the morning and the temperature should still be in the 60's with a light breeze when the meet starts. It will probably drop into the 40's before the end but at least it should stay dry.

This will be a great chance to see where everybody is at going into the state qualifying meets.

Good luck!

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Friday, May 12, 2006



They have officially canceled the meet due to the weather.

The meet will be re-run on May 20th, assuming no snow.

This of course conflicts with regionals which means that this will now be a JV meet.

The kids will still have practice.

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Possible cancellation

The Meet may be cancelled today if the field is under water or if the weather is simply too bad to run safely.
Dom will know by 12:00-1:00 PM, and I will post it to this site as soon as I hear. The school will notify the athletes if the meet has been cancelled. Dom will send out an email to let you know if the meet is still on.
There will still be practice if the meet has been cancelled. Practice will begin at 3:45.
*****Hit “read more” for the schedule of events ******
Muskego High School Doc Lund Memorial Coed Varsity Invite
Muskego, Milwaukee South, Hamilton, Cedarburg, Union Grove, Cudahy, Shorewood.

Time Schedule:
2:30 Bus will Leave school.
4:00 Field Events will begin
4:30 running events will start

Field events: 4:00 Sharp!!
Shot put: Mario, Alex, Z. Rhodes
Discus: Mario, Z. Rhodes and Karl
Long Jump: Nick Sanborn, Jake Aguilar
Triple jump: Jake Aguilar and Karl Gaebler
High Jump: Ndlo Musa

Running events: 4:30 Sharp!!
Order will be girls then the boys in all events- all events will be timed Finals

3200m Relay: Walsh, Erickson, Salmon, Owens
100/110 HH: Nick Sanborn and Tim Lancina
100 Dash: Tomas Clasen
1600m run: Haury, Brian Lee, Sammy Dupuis
800m Relay: To many kids gone to know if we have a team?
400m Dash: TJ Owens, Douglas Stewart and Jake Aguilar
400m Relay: To many kids gone to know if we have a team?
300m Low/Int: Nick Sanborn and Tim Lancina
800m run: Erickson, Walsh, (Valusek?) Made changes from 400-800, not sure if changed!
200m run: Valusek ,Tomas Clasen and Washington
3200m run: Flanders and Larsen
4x4 relay: Erickson, Walsh, Owens, Salmon

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Time waster

I know there are a lot of goofy flash games on the net.... but this one seems to create a new category. I made it through three ice walls. Feel free to brag in the comments if you can do better,

Here is the link :

if you get tired of that try the "car jump"

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some pictures from Arrowhead

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Monday, May 08, 2006


Next up

The next meet is on Wednesday the 10th all the way up in Port Washington. Mapquest suggests that it might take 35 minutes each way. This will be the Demerit relays. If the wind isn't too strong off of the lake, the times could be pretty good. This will be another event in which the newer runners will get top billing. The festivities start at 4:00 and directions are here.

Friday is the next non relay meet. It is in Muskego and starts around 4:30. Directions courtesy of Mapquest can be found here. The boys will field their A team for the 4x8 again and see if a week without competition can cure the tired legs they showed at Arrowhead. If everything goes well they could break 8:00.

The season is almost over. After Friday we are looking at Conference, regionals, sectionals, and State. Don't miss the fun.

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Sunday, May 07, 2006


The Girl's results from Arrowhead

Shorewood Girls Team Score 33pts tie for 10th place of 12 schools with Hamilton Sussex High School
(Slinger beat us by 1 point)


100m High Hurdles 300m Low Hurdles
14th Alyssa George 17.87 * 4th Erica Johnson 49.9*
21st Jocelyn Piller 19.2* 20th Katja Krishok 59.6*

100m Dash 200m Dash
17th Gina Obiakor 13.9 6th Kristen Obiakor 27.6p* 28.1f
17th Gina Obiakor 29.7

800m Run
8th Santera Michels 2:36.9

1600m Run 3200m Run
9th Colleen Luba 6:07.52 1st Claire Maduza 10:47.81
5th Becca Mahn 12:24.18

4x100m Relay 54.55 7th
(K. Obiakor 13.4, Hillard13.3, G. Obiakor14.77, Piller12.9)

4x200m Relay DQ 1:57.06
(Armstrong 29.4, Nassif 29.1, K. Obiakor 31.0, Piller 27.9)

4x400m Relay 8th 4:27.2*

(Nassif1:06.8, George1:07.7, Nadar 1:06.2, Johnson 1:05.8)

Long Jump Triple Jump
14th Monica Knauer 13’11” 17th Monica Knauer 27’ 10”
20th Elizabeth Weston 12’4” 13th Becca Sweeney 29’5”

High Jump
Tie 2nd Alyssa George 4’ 10”

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Friday, May 05, 2006


K-Files: Arrowhead

Arrowhead highlights from the Coach

Claire dominated the 2-mile last night under the lights. She went out hard in her first half mile and never looked back. She finished at 10:47.87. She was very focused and enjoyed the weather. It was a little on the cool side but there was no wind, so it made great weather for a distance runner.


High Jumper Alyssa George tied for second place with ajump of 4'10". She is looking better each week in the high jump. She is focusing on so many events, she runs the 100m hurdles, the 300m hurdles and is an important member of our 4x4 relay. We are at the point in the season where we need to focus on just a couple events so that she can really experience personal success. It's not a bad problem to have, being good at anything you try.

A huge improvement came from freshman sprinter/hurdler Erica Johnson in the 300m hurdles. She took 4th place with a time of 49.9. This is a huge barrier to break the 50second mark. She looked great and it was a big achievement to take a 4th place out of the slow heat and know almost 4 seconds off a sprint race time. She is has a lot of room to grow and it is exciting that she is only a freshman. Look for her to be very competitive at our Parkland Conference meet as well as the regional and sectional meets.

Coach K

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Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Arrowhead Invite 5/5

This Friday both teams will be at Arrowhead for what will be one of our better meets of the year. The competition here should be excellent. So if you are tired of the strange format relay meets, and the invites where we seem to be running alone at the front of all of the distance events, you will not want to miss this meet. It starts early and runs late so consider packing a snack or bringing a pizza or two.

Directions are here.

Dom sent me details for the boy’s. I think Sarah’s computer may be down.

Arrowhead Myrhum Invitational Meet

Boys Division: Arrowhead, Hamilton, Oak Creek, Slinger, Gary Wallace, Greenfield, Waukesha North, Mukwonago, Menomonee Falls, Shorewood, Wauwatosa East, Brookfield Central.

2:30 Bus will leave school.
3:15 Coaches
4:30 Field Events
Long Jump: (Jake Aguilar and Nick Sanborn)
High Jump: (none entered)
Triple Jump: (Jake Aguilar and Ricky Noe)
Shot Put: (Mario Giacobassi and Karl Gaebler)
Discus: (Calvin Deleon and Mario Giacobassi)

4:30: 3200 Relay
5:00: 100, High Hurdle, and 200 trials (Boys-Girls)
Meet as follows: girls then the boys.
100 dash Special Olympics
High Hurdles: (Nick Sanborn and Tim Lancina)
100 Dash: (none entered)
1600 Run: (Dennis Walsh and Andrew Erickson)
800 Relay: (T. Clasen, J. Hackett, S. Freding and E. Bennet)
400 Dash: ( Brian Valusek and Jordan Washington
400 Relay: (T. Clasen, N. Costanzo, J. Hackett and K. Gaebler)
300 Low/Int: (Nick Sanborn and Tim Lancina)
800 Run: (TJ Owen and Douglas Stewart)
200 Dash; (Tomas Clasen and Joe Hackett)
3200 Run: (David Salmon and Jake Haury)
1600 Relay: (Owen, Valusek, Sanborn, Lancina) Alt. Walsh, Salmon or Washington

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Relay results : Pewaukee

The boy’s results are in for last night’s relay meet in Pewaukee. As you can see we are rather heavy on the distance talent.


4x1600 Meter Relay: First place 19:34
Jake Haury in Heat 4:38, Christian Larsen 5:09, Douglas Stewart 4:51 and Jon Bassen 4:54.

3x300 Int. Hurdles: Sixth place 2:28 Nick Sanborn 43.7, Joe Hackett 54 and Tim Lancina 48ish

Distance Medeley: (4x2x2x800) First place TJ Owen 51.94 Brian Valusek 23.7, Jordan Washington 26.8 and Dennis Walsh 1:59.9 (2:00)

4x200: Fourth place 1:37 TJ Owens 24.02, Brian Valusek 24.31, Tim Lancina 25.33 and Nick Sanborn 23.93

4x800: First place 8:35 Andrew Erickson 1:59.99 (2:00), Jordan Washington 2:19, Douglas Stewart2:08 and David Salmon 2:02

4x400: First place 3:33 TJ Owens 51+, Brian Valusek 53ish, Nick Sanborn 53ish and Dennis Walsh 53 ish

Shot Put: Seventh place 93' Gaebler, Giacobassi and Miller

Discus: Seventh place 231' Miller, Gaebler and Giacobassi

Long Jump: Second place 55'.2" Aguilar 18'.3", Walker 17'.5" and Sanborn 19'.5"

Triple Jump: Fifth place 103'.2" Aguilar, Walker and Gaebler (not sure on their jumps)

High Jump: Ndlo Musa 5'

Congratulations everyone!

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Can't stop the signal

If you couldn't make it to the Penn relays last week don't worry there are a number of cool home videos cropping up on the internet that capture the key races.

Here is a link to the last lap of the men's DMR where Kip out kicks Lagat in the last 10 meters to win. His 1600m split was 3:52 something. An incredible finish.


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Tuesday, May 02, 2006


The Schedule

per Dom,

this is a tenitive list of meets.

March 6th: Season begins 3:30 North Gym

March 18th: UWM Invite Girls 8:30/10:30 Boys 2:30/4:30
March 21st: Whitefish Bay Girls jv
March 23rd: Whitefish Bay Boys jv
April 8th: Parkland Confernece UWM
April 11th: Quad at Home
April 22nd: West Bend Girls
April 26th: New Berlin Relays Co-ed --UPDATE: date changed to April 25th
April 29th: Wauwatosa West Invite Boys
May 2nd: Parkland Conference Relays Pewaukee
May 5th: Arrowhead Invite
May 10th: Port Washington Relays
May 12th: Muskego Invite
May 16th: Parkland Conference Outdoor (Pewaukee)
May 17th: Parkland Confernce JV Brown Deer
May 22nd: WIAA Regionals
May 25th: WIAA Sectionals
June 2-3rd: WIAA State

Looks like enough.


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K-Files: Conference Relays

A brief review of the Conference relays from the Coach

"Our first place finish by the 4x8 and 4xmile teams were fun to watch! The girls are running very well right now and working hard to get to championship season.

We had a strong performance from Senior Claire Maduza in her leg of the 4xmile relay. She ran a 5:10.9 which would place her in the top 10 runners in the state of Wisconsin in the mile right now if it would have been an individual race. She is truly ready to compete at a higher level against competitors around the state. Unfortunately Junior Becca Mahn was unable to run due to a commitment to take an Advanced Placement exam, so Junior Sarah Zens stepped up and ran for her so that we could field a complete team. She, and sophomores Colleen Luba and Devin Nadar really ran well for us. They all looked strong and Sarah's willingness to step into an event she has not raced in yet this season was a true testament to her athleticism, focus, and flexibility. She really cares for her team and puts others ahead of herself. She is what we call a true team player.
> Sophomore Alyssa George had a huge day in the high jump with a season personal best jump of 5 feet. This is a mental barrier she has been trying to break through. She has really improved her jumping this year through hard work, focus, and a commitment to practice. It was great to see her get over 5 feet. She had a great attempt at 5 feet 1 inch, but was a little too excited about her clearance of 5 feet to successfully clear the height. I think we will see a lot out of Alyssa in the weeks to come, she is maturing daily as a track athlete and is also becoming a team leader for others that share her event areas.
> Our 4 x 100m relay took 3rd place, but managed to cut 2 more seconds off their time from last week. They are a young group, freshmen Jocelyn Piller, Kristen Obiakor, Jenny Hillard, and Sophomore Gina Obiakor ran very well. They are really coming together as a team. Jocelyn made a great surge in the second half of her race to come from a 5th to a 3rd place finish. It really shows how competitive these young sprinters are and it will be great to keep them together for the years to come so they benefit from years of experience.

Coach K

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Equipment corner III

Nutrition and hydration can reach near mystical status among runners and there are plenty of "snake oil" salesmen willing and eager to take advantage of the naive and uneducated. As a general rule if you stick to water you will be fine. However for those of you who want to live on the scientific and technological edge we give you the perfect nutritional supplement:

Jelly Belly Sport beans

That's right, the makers of America's finest jelly beans have developed a product for runners that competes with gatorade.

Who knew that pounding a package of jelly beans could not only be healthy but can help you run faster and farther.


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Monday, May 01, 2006


Conference relays

The meet tomorrow is at Pewaukee High School not Slinger. It is another all relay type format that favors the shorter distances. I don't know why we run so many of these. Anyway, the meet officially starts at 3:45. Veteran parents will remember the track from the cross country conference finals. You will want to print out the map I linked to above because the school isn't real obvious. It is on top of a hill behind a cemetary for those of you looking for landmarks.

It could be wet but the kids will run anyway.

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Tied for last place

It was cold and windy, and it ended in rain... But it always does at this meet so nobody should have been surprised.

Because of the trying conditions this week's commentary will start with the spectators.

The Washington Family got the award for the most prepared spectators. They had a seemingly endless supply of blankets and coats and umbrellas etc. It must be an Army thing ( coaches are not eligible in this category so Dom's back pack was not considered although he may be in line for the "Mary Poppins" bronze bumbershoot trophy if he keeps wearing it).

Competition for the "loudest lungs" trophy is heating up with Dr. Erickson and Mr. Washington in a virtual dead heat. It is shaping up as a classic match between the preacher and the drill sergeant. The tie breaker may come down to attendance. Feel free to vote in the comments section.

The results for the runners have been posted over at Wisconsin Track and Field although not all of the names listed are accurate.


TJ ran a respectable 53.3 in the open quarter. The real surprise however came from Jordan who clocked in at 56.9. Jordan is a freshman who is very quickly establishing himself as a future star. John B had to run in lane 8 which is a killer because you can't see any of the other runners until they blow past you and then of course it is too late; still a 62 means that he has room to lower his mile time some more.

Brian took 5th in the 800 in 2:06.9, it looked like he hit the wall in the final turn. We've all been there Brian.

Drew won the open mile with an easy 4:40 but the real story was once again a little further back. Sam ran 5:16 which was a 10 second PR and a huge effort in the rain.

Christian ran a very gutsy 3200m and finished in 10:52. He went out in 5:15 which was very close to his PR in the mile. Brian L finished just behind him in 11:35. Flanders is listed at 11:45 but I have it on good authority that he never got out of bed much less got on the bus; still not a bad time for someone who was asleep.

Nick ran 16.86 in the 110 hurdles and anchored the mile relay team which, by finishing second, kept us from owning last place all by our selves.

The next race is Tuesday in Pewaukee ( hosted by Slinger),

Some pictures will be up tomorrow.

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